Archiv článků z rubriky ‘ENGLISH SECTION’

Curriculum Vitae of Jakub Štědroň

Vložil admin dne Červenec 9th, 2009 v 1. About Jakub ŠtědroňŠtítky: , ,  • Žádný komentář

Curriculum Vitae of Mgr. Jakub Štědroň

Yes We Did / Campaigning for Obama

Vložil admin dne Červenec 5th, 2009 v 2. Magazine VENTILŠtítky: , , ,  • Žádný komentář

Here it finally is: my account of what I’ve been doing in Ohio. I apologise for not having written anything while I was actually in North America, but the campaign was pretty busy and I did not have a computer with me. I hope my facebook friends could guess what I was up to looking [...]

Interview with Alain Geismar

Vložil admin dne Červen 28th, 2009 v 3. InterviewsŠtítky: , , ,  • Žádný komentář

We will soon commemorate 40th anniversary of Prague Spring’s suppression. Do you still remember exactly what you were doing when you heard about Soviet invasion to our country for the very first time?
Yes, I was in Prague on my way to Cuba the day before invasion.
Had this event any significant impact on you personally and [...]

Interview with Morten Kjaerum, Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights

Vložil admin dne Červen 28th, 2009 v 2. Magazine VENTIL, 3. InterviewsŠtítky: , , , ,  • Žádný komentář

How would you explain the work of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) to somebody who does not know much about it?
In short, the Agency is here to make FRs accessible for everyone in Europe, to get FRs integrated into new legislation of EU institutions as well as of EU Member States. So [...]

Interview with Anna Skrzypek, Secretary General of ECOSY

Vložil admin dne Červen 28th, 2009 v 2. Magazine VENTIL, 3. InterviewsŠtítky: , ,  • Žádný komentář

Do you think the European Socialists can gain more seats in the European elections this June? And what can we do to win these important elections?
To be a socialist is to be an optimist Running a campaign towards the elections, any elections, you have to believe in your agenda, in your capacity to deliver [...]

Structured biography in English

Vložil admin dne Červen 21st, 2009 v 1. About Jakub ŠtědroňŠtítky: , ,  • Žádný komentář

Structured biography of Mgr. Jakub Štědroň

English Section

Vložil admin dne Červen 20th, 2009 v ENGLISH SECTION • Žádný komentář

You can read something in English. Please, choose from sections:

1. About Jakub Štědroň
2. Magazine Ventil
3. Interviews